Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I Know What I Want to be for Halloween!

Yesterday after work, I went to my friend's house for a game of risk with him and others.  During our game, we started discussing what we were going to be for Halloween.  Our evening is already planned, since one of our friends was born on October 31st.  Unfortunately, he was in basic training last year, which happened to be his 21st birthday.  So this year, we are going to go either to Philly or New York and do the ultimate bar hop!  After a few suggestions that I was definitely not feeling (prostitutes, the Ambiguously Gay Duo, etc.), we came up empty for a while.  But it got me thinking...

I've been told on multiple occasions that I have a slight resemblence to Hugh Laurie.  With the popularity of House M.D. with the 6th season premiere just last night, and the public's love for the personality of the character, Dr. Gregory House, I decided almost instantly that I will be House for Halloween.   Tell me what you think...

Now, I wouldn't mind of course, being paired up with a very lovely Olivia Wilde.  Anyone want to dress up in a doctor's jacket and be called Thirteen for a day?

hmm? (I swiped the picture from dosomething.org even though they don't know yet that I'm using the picture.  you should check their site out by the way -wink-. Actually, it's a really cool site.  I've been skimming through it instead of finishing this blog.)

But yeah, this is what I'm going to do for Halloween.  If you're in the Philly area (since it's the more sensible of the two options and we'll likely go there anyway), let me know and you can join the party!

1 comment:

  1. I wast just looking at your blog postings, and you've seriously had no comment yet on any of them? What? Crazy. Unless you've been deleting them. BTW, if I was younger and cuter and lived closer to where you do, I would seriously hunt you down for intense conversation.
